Southern Charm Creative

An intimate portrait experience focused on the raw, real you - emotional baggage & all

Intimate Portrait Experience Is A Deep Look Inside Yourself
You might be wondering what a RAW session is so let me answer that for you!
This session is YOU... little to no makeup or hair styling, and no clothes.
Just you and your body as it is….right here right now.
It is about capturing your truest self and form. These sessions are meant to get you to look at your body and self deeper than ever before.
They are about healing, and navigating emotions you’ve had about your and love.
There is power in getting truly vulnerable with your body.
It's a side of ourselves that is longing for love and I am here to help you see it and find it.
Throughout 2021, I’ll be creating stunning portraits of of humans culminating in a celebration with these humans and their stories. I'll be hosting an exhibition with those that want to participate by having some of their images from these sessions showcased in the event.
Show the world that beauty doesn’t diminish with age.
Highlight your character, wisdom and spirit.
Strip down all the fluff and focus solely on you, your thoughts, and your vibe.
Celebrate your beauty and appreciate every scar, every stretch mark, every wrinkle and roll of skin.
Whether you feel invisible, empowered or somewhere in between, know that YOU ARE LOVED & NEEDED & YOUR STORY IS IMPORTANT!
We intend to disrupt and transform the way we are viewed (or forgotten) by the media and the world at large by putting out beautiful images and real stories of ourselves.
This is YOUR chance to be seen and heard!
Let’s start a REVOLUTION!

How do I capture these intimate shots?
The short version:
The Flow and mood of the session guides the poses and the way I shoot. Trust and Rapport are the most important factors for consistently getting into a good flow, and they are built slowly over time, before and during each shoot.
Once the mood is set and rapport is established, the subject’s own body language and eyes will be more expressive and authentic than any pose could be. The particular gear you use doesn’t matter very much, but it may affect your style.
The long version:
I prefer working in a relatively freeform and improvisational way with these sessions, with my mood and the subject’s mood guiding the session. This is similar to a ‘flow state,’ in which an artist is totally present in the creative act, with creative ideas or inspiration arise spontaneously.
In this case, both photographer and subject are in the flow state, similar to how musicians may be able to improvise freely while naturally working in sync. Getting to a flow state requires trust and rapport, as well as a suitable mood. It takes a while to get into the flow though, for me it usually takes about an hour of working with the subject before the flow really takes off, and that’s when the most soulful photos usually happen.
The mood guides the shoot itself, and will shape what the photo session will look like. For instance, I usually play music during sessions, and carefully choose artists and albums that fit the mood for the session. Likewise in the conversation, if the subject is someone I know well and we want to do a somber mood, we may talk about a recent relationship that didn’t work out. Alternatively, if a subject is new and uncertain in front of the camera, I’ll steer the conversation to more funny or light-hearted topics to help them build confidence.
To reach a flow state you need to establish trust and rapport with the subject.
Trust is the knowledge that you are a competent photographer and will respect them, both in your behavior during the shoot and after. Trust that the photos will be good. Trust that you will be unselfish and take photos that they love and can share publicly. Some trust can be built in advance by only sharing your best-finished work that show your subjects in their best light, and having worked with many subjects who are happy to recommend you.
Rapport happens when you and your subject are both totally at ease, comfortable and confident in each other’s presence and with the camera. This takes time to build, even if we’ve worked together before. This is why I require every client for these types of sessions to get on the phone with me and hold a pre-shoot meeting before their session.
It may be variously funny or serious, and we may talk about personal relationships or cheeseburgers, but the goal is to develop a mutual understanding in general. During the entire session, I’ll also take little breaks to show my subject photos as we go along, pausing to point out photos that are particularly good. This gives the subject confidence in their posing and my work, and in turn gives me the confidence to keep going and be more creative. This becomes a virtuous cycle, with each bump in confidence leading to better, more natural photos. After a few hours, even a shy subject with no experience in front of the camera will find it easy and natural.
Of course, certain things can break the flow and rapport. Being not present in the moment instantly communicates that one person isn’t valuing the other’s time and attention.
The specific poses don’t matter nearly as much as the eyes and body language that arises spontaneously when there’s rapport.
When we are in the flow state, I’m often quiet or give only moderate direction such as “Chin up; turn your face that way but keep your eyes on me; arch your back a bit— okay” etc). Of course, if a subject is new or prefers more direction, I’ll give more guidance, such as with colorful descriptions (“You know how a cat moves, kind of slinky and stretching as she goes? Move like that”) or by demonstrating a pose myself. Once I get some photos that I think are good I’ll show them to the subject to make them more confident in their posing..
Once your payment is received to secure your session date, a separate email will be sent requesting you to sign the Studio Contract. You will also receive our Studio Prep Shoot Guide, an invite to schedule your pre-shoot meeting, and our full Goddess Collection and Product Guide.
What you will receive...
THE GOODS – that make the unforgettable experience
Pre-Shoot meeting before your session date
Complete session planning from A-Z
Discuss artwork offerings
Set up your payment plan or pre-purchase your artwork
These sessions include light hair and makeup styling that focuses on natural looks, and a nude or natural color palette
Hairstyling is kept to a more relaxed, natural look. Beachy waves, soft curls, or completely untouched
Likewise you can choose to forgo hair and makeup styling completely!
Since this intimate portrait session focuses more on the body and less on clothing, we do not focus on wardrobe styling. Instead, we shoot for up to 2 hours in as little clothing as humanly possible. Think g-strings and implied topless shots, or lounging beautifully in white silk sheets, or thoughtfully looking out the window in nothing but a pair of heels.
This session is perfect for those who are comfortable in their birthday suit OR ready to commemorate their naked bodies with an intimate portrait experience showcasing all the rolls, wrinkles, scars, etc.
This is the RAW you in the feels
The vibe for this shoot can be anything you want it to be: joyfully naked or crying out the pain in the nude, contemplating life naked in the sheets, or even showcasing intimate pleasure from a "is she really???" angle (not quite in your face like erotica!)
Drumroll…Please!!! We will schedule a time for you to come back and view your beautiful portraits in person within 1-2 weeks after to review, choose and order.
You get to choose between five matted 5x7 images in a gorgeous glass brass heirloom box (normally $950) OR two (2) 12x18 acrylic wall art pieces (normally $900) OR one (1) 16x24 Acrylic Wal Art piece (normally $950). You have the option to add-on more products/images for a discount during the Reveal Session.
You will receive all of the above, the experience, the make-up and hairstyling, 2-hour shoot, and your selected products above for just $997 +tax. You can opt to split the balance in half to pay off in 30 days.
Sound good? Click the button below to secure your spot!
Sessions Are Limited
We can't wait to meet you!